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Secure communication in the quantum era

post-quantum cryptography

ensures secure operation in the

face of the quantum era

At Cyte, we offer a wide range of products specialized in cryptography resistant to attacks from quantum computers, allowing you to secure the sensitive or private financial information of your clients.


More than just an application

Custom creation of single-view file transfer systems

Avoid the inherent risks of losing privacy and

confidentiality in business communications,

both internal and external.

Quantum computing is on the brink of a technological revolution that promises fabulous advances in solving complex problems that humanity faces today. However, this powerful processing capability also poses significant challenges in terms of information security for organizations.

Transferencia segura de tu información sensible

Recibe el flujo de transferencia

El cual se procesa solo en la memoria, sin escribirlo en disco.

El contenido se muestra en un visor

Completamente diseñado para

prevenir la captura de pantalla.​

Cuando se cierra el visor o

Se cambia la aplicación, el archivo se elimina de la RAM.

En este punto, el archivo parece desaparecer completamente del dispositivo que lo recibió

Lo que hace que sea ​muy difícil para el usuario acceder al archivo alojado en el dispositivo.

The way to prevent risks consists of using post-quantum cryptography, as well as leaving no trace on any of the devices used for communications and preventing screenshots. In this way, even if someone could access your computer consciously, they would find nothing.

Implement secure communication

in the quantum era

Organizational confidentiality

Professional Support

Schedule a Demonstration

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