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Casos de éxito

Coninsa Ramón H. Unión de Arroceros. ACH. 

El implementar criptografía post-cuántica en nuestras soluciones nos ha convertido en un aliado estratégico para nuestros clientes

We have had the honor of collaborating with more than 100 organizations around the world, in sectors as diverse as finance, health, energy, education, industry, agriculture, telecommunications, mining, media, construction, transportation, and commerce.


Each of these success stories is a testament to the effectiveness of our products and services, and we are proud to have played a part in their safety and success.


We invite you to learn about the benefits, advantages and solutions applied in different organizations.

Coninca Ramon H cyte

Invest in specialized security technology

The construction sector company bets on cyte's cryptographic technology to guarantee the security of payroll and supplier payments.


The expectations in 2021 regarding the construction and housing sector have improved and it continues to be a bet as the engine of the economic reactivation of the country, Coninsa Compañía that Designs, Builds and Markets quality architectural projects, has important plans for this upcoming year at the end of the first trimester.


The company has been developing its processes and information systems in order to stay at the forefront of the changes required by virtualization; one of them has been the acquisition of state-of-the-art technology based on cryptography through the technological ally cyte, "we needed to have peace of mind that several of our files were really secure, after having carried out some audit tests, which evidenced the need After having really specialized technology, we decided to look for the one used by the best banks in the country and encrypt our sensitive information through Crypto-Vault®, a cryptographic tool manufactured by the cyte company”, stated Bernardo Vélez, Coninsa Compliance Officer.

Unión de arroceros cyte

Launches, projects and technological modernization,

Rice Union plans

With a year that began in the midst of the pandemic and with the difficulties that the different quarantines have brought to companies from all industry sectors, Unión de Arroceros S.A.S, continues to bet on the sector and has various plans for the current year. The leaders in the agro-industry sector, which have been characterized as a company in constant growth, have the creation of a free zone in the Casanare area and a new production and distribution plant underway, as well as investment in modernizing their technology. with world-class crypto products.


After an analysis of the vulnerability of the information and taking into account the importance of shielding itself in this sense and staying at the forefront, Unión de Arroceros S.A.S. (Arroz Supremo) chooses Cyte, a company specialized in cryptography, as a technology ally, who with Crypto-Vault® guaranteed a world-class product with local support and with the reference of being used by the best banks in the country.


More than 2 payrolls and all payments to suppliers were shielded with cyte cryptography, "today it is certain that the information leaves the company and reaches the bank without any operational risk" added the Technology Leader.

ACH cyte

Cryptographic technology ensures 95% of the country's interbank transfers

There are more than one million transactions per day that are registered in the ACH Colombia S.A channels and that are protected by Crypto-Vault®, a 100% Colombian technological tool.

ACH Colombia S.A, a low-value payment management company supervised by the Financial Superintendency and which offers financial services designed under the highest security, chose cyte as its cryptographic technological ally.


“One of the services we offer is interbank transfers; These transfers are a fundamental pillar in our digital solutions and that make us somehow digital natives, where obviously security is of greater relevance and of course all the pieces that guarantee it are welcome, in this particular case, we are talking about Crypto-Vault ®, which is the piece we use to encrypt the files that contain the transactions subject to the exchanges in interbank transfers, we must say that not only we use it but also many of our participants in the client ecosystem, which are financial entities, as well. they use”. said Luis Alberto Fernández Pulido, vice president of operations and technology at ACH Colombia S.A.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Treasury Manager at Sodimac Colombia

We are aware of the need to protect our customers' transactions.  For this reason, we are committed to providing solutions that ensure transparency, efficiency and speed in all our purchase processes and in cases of returns, when requested.


Technology Leader at Unión de arroceros

Today the technology area is fundamental within Unión de Arroceros S.A.S., both for compliance with new legal regulations, as well as for effectiveness and support in internal processes, in addition to taking advantage of technology to reduce costs and something very important, which is to ensure information security.


Vice President of Operations and Technology
of ACH Colombia S.A.

One of the services we offer is interbank transfers; these transfers are a fundamental pillar in our digital solutions, in this particular case, we talk about Crypto-Vault® which is the piece we use for the encryption of files that contain the transactions subject to the exchanges in interbank transfers, we must say that not only we use it but many of our participants in the customer ecosystem that are the financial institutions also use it.

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